Assembly Line:
How to Build A Rep Ramping Machine
for RevOps and Sales Leadership

Assembly Line: How to Build A Rep Ramping Machine for RevOps and Sales Leadership

Enable your sales managers to ramp their new reps faster - with data.

To sales managers, ramping up new sales reps often seems like a shot in the dark.

They're most likely guessing at what creates a successfully ramped rep.

That's not how it should be done in 2023.

The alternative is to build them an operating process, through data, to enable your sales managers so that they leverage the system that’s been built for them to properly ramp their reps (both SDRs & AEs) in a methodical way that gets the job done and produces high-quality reps every. single. time.

Think of an assembly line, and the product is high-performing reps.

The guesswork can be taken out of ramping new reps, no matter the org size.

Join Pete Kazanjy for a masterclass on building a rep ramping machine.

Discussion topics

  • Fundamentals: what does a great rep ramp look like?

  • How do you set the correct ramping goals?

  • What KPIs do you monitor to ensure success?

  • How do you make sure you're coaching to succeed?

Key Takeaways

  • It’s really important as an org to align on a set of metrics that you believe are important and translate that into the ramp of a rep.

  • Pay attention to the leading indicator during the reps’ ramp to get ahead and address any issue before it becomes a problem.

  • Executing data-driven ramp management is really hard. To make it easier you need the proper software. Data-driven management software.

  • As a 2nd level leader, you need to be systematizing the managers. Managing the managers.
