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Busting the Myth of Commission Automation Readiness

Busting the Myth of Commission Automation ReadinessEvent Description.

Commission plans are the fuel of your sales engine, and it goes without saying that they should be automated.

What many companies struggle with is timing.  When should your organization pull the trigger and commit to commission automation?

MSP and Spiff join forces to bust the myth that automation requires flawless conditions. We will walk you through the benefits of automation and show you an efficient roadmap to upgrade your commission game.

The time is now. Get ready for the future, and start your 2023 off on the right foot.

Discussion topics

  • What are the benefits of a fully automated comp plan?

  • How to get ready for automation?

  • When to pull the trigger?

Key Takeaways

  • Sales compensation-related issues are the #1 cause of sales turnover.

  • You don’t have to automate all your comp plans at once. Start with easy wins and adapt the process while implementing it to other parts of your process.

  • You want to motivate your reps and having any type of automated system in place shows you care and want to build that trust with them.