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Overcoming Objections - Hot Tips for Mastering Cold Calling

Overcoming Objections - Hot Tips for Mastering Cold Calling

Cold calling is still a significant part of B2B sales strategy and also one of the most challenging parts.

Overcoming objections that prospective clients may come up with in trying to avoid your sales pitch is a science and an art form. As a result, cold-calling potential prospects can be challenging and frustrating.

What to do when a prospect starts showing red flags? 

There are many ways to respond to objections. But the experts at Orum know the best ones. We are sitting down to talk through the hottest tips on overcoming objections on cold calls.

Discussion topics

  • Common objections and how to handle them

  • Words that sell - best practices to turn the table and sell your product

  • Questions to ask to help you handle objections

Key Takeaways

  • There are 9 common objections that your SDRs should know how to overcome quickly. They are 1. I’m busy 2. Send me more information 3. I’m not interested 4. I’m not the decision maker 5. We are implementing other tools 6. We already use competitor 7. How did you get my number? 8. I thought you were someone else, and 9. We have no budget. Draft responses on how to overcome those, and you’ll be set to close more deals

  • Get your SDRs to write down at least 3 common objections that are specific to your company and rehearse what to say when those objections show up.

  • Practice your tone. Don’t be monotone or over-excited. You’ll come off as fake.