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No Pain, All Gain: Why Your CS Team Is Your Secret Weapon For Lead Gen

No Pain, All Gain: Why Your CS Team Is Your Secret Weapon For Lead Gen

Are you leveraging your CS motion to directly create new opportunities?

When you actively invest in customer relationships, product adoption rises, expansions happen, customer retention rates increase, and referrals flow in quicker than your can handle.

Without the right strategies, your efforts are going to waste.

Join Paul Peters, Sydney Strader, Chris Fezza, Marc Belgrave, and Chili Piper to optimize the secret weapon of the SaaS machine - Customer Success.

Discussion topics

  • Designing a consistent, scalable customer experience

  • Mapping goals for each stage of the customer journey to quantifiable (and trackable) KPIs

  • Utilizing your Customer Success motion to optimize lead generation like a pro

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding who your customers are, and who they are not: Know what they love, what they hate, and what they need from you. If you can get the basics right, it’s a lot easier to move forward with momentum using segmentation and analytics to deliver on the promise.

  • Clear, clean, uncomplicated: Work up front to understand what the customer goals are - what did they buy, what pain are they trying to solve, how and when will they want to see results to ensure ROI - use that as the check point to understand how they’re progressing against their goals and how you’re doing at improving your customer health.

  • Making it a win-win: Identify your biggest advocates and mobilize them to drive lead generation. Start small, deliver, and repeat.