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Shoot Par and Crush Quota with Data-Driven Golf and Sales Management

Shoot Par and Crush Quota with Data-Driven Golf and Sales Management

What did the driver yell to the golf cart that cut him off? Kiss my putt! 😉

Ok, ok. Dad jokes aside, the world of golf is experiencing a really exciting shift. Are you taking advantage of it?

Just like the baseball, basketball, and betting worlds were flipped upside down with the introduction of analytics and data, we’re seeing the same thing happen with golf.

You can use data to improve your golf game. It’s really that simple.

But as a sales manager, sales leader, or sales ops professional, why the hell should you care about that?

It’s simple, you can leverage the same data-driven approach the best golfers in the world are to master your sales *management* motion.

Discussion topics

  • The data revolution in golf

  • Using data to improve your golf game

  • The data revolution in sales management

  • Using data to improve rep & team performance

Key Takeaways

  • Rep performance issues can be hard to address. Understanding the data behind those issues, what levers you can use to improve said data, and how to coach on those levers is key. Automating alerting on rep performance issues is ideal so you can spend your time coaching vs looking at data.

  • You can replicate the success of your top reps through proactive tracking of every KPI available and identify top traits such as; meetings on calendars, time in stage, conversion out of stage, bookings, new opportunities owned, and touches per account.

  • KPIs can be gamified in dashboards and leaderboards, these should be directly communicated to reps so that they can see how they’re tracking, not only towards their own goals but also against their fellow reps. Leads to healthy competition.
