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Give ‘Em The Ole One-Two: Tackling Personalized Remote Engagement

Give ‘Em The Ole One-Two: Tackling Personalized Remote Engagement

As a sales leader, you've had to roll with the punches for the past couple years.

Digital selling is a whole new ring complete with a unique set of challenges, but you don't have to throw in the towel. Get how-to’s for your pain points from the best - Alissa Ta, Brad Papp, Mafalda Johannsen, and Derek Hayden.

Shorten your sales cycles, virtually connect with buyers, build trust by putting a face to your words, and motivate your team with the power of verbal communication that reflects the modern way we consume media and increases your ROI.


  • Strategies for improving the customer journey to build trust

  • Individualizing service to improve customer relationship management

  • Equipping your team with the right technology to close


  • What’s in it for them?: Make it personal, make it relevant. Lead TO your product, not with. Take the common pain points and make it personal to turn prospects into clients. Every interaction is an experiment with an outcome - use it!

  • Your prospect doesn’t care about you: personalize, hyper-customize, solve. Otherwise, you’re never going to get the 1:1 call. It’s pretty hard not to click on something that has your name, your pain points, and your email. Meet them on a human level and find what they care about.

  • PSA - your team has to buy in too: Your processes and tools are only as good as your team is at using them. Determine your why, how, & what: it’s more about the methods than the content. If your tool isn’t more efficient than your current process, what’s the value add?


[Deck] Give ‘Em The Ole One-Two: Tackling Personalized Remote Engagement