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Supercharge Your Sales:
Generating more predictable and efficient revenue with ICP-focus.

Supercharge Your Sales: Generating more predictable and efficient revenue with ICP-focus.

Separating the winning from the losing opportunities quickly and early is fundamental to strategic sales leadership success.

One underutilized way to "thin the herd" and generate better sales focus is understanding and applying your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) to your sales pipeline and your forecast. 

Join Patri’s Josh Ellars, CEO & Founder, an alum of Qualtrics and OpenGov, as they dig into what you need to know about ICP and walk you through the tactics of how ICP will generate more predictable and efficient revenue for your sales organization along with more accurate forecasting.

Discussion topics

  • What Sales needs to know about ICP

  • How to apply ICP to individual and team sales pipelines 

  • How ICP translates to more clean pipelines and quota attainment

  • The relationship between ICP focus and forecasting

Key Takeaways

  • When you’re breaking down the ICP, you have to think like a CEO. Who is buying (company and persona), who will purchase in a timely manner, who will be successfully implemented, and who will not only renew but become a champion of your product. Enabling you to up and cross-sell.

  • There are 3 steps within the ICP Maturity Curve - Discovery: Your company understands your ICP and has run some motions around it. Application: You’re now applying it more broadly, possibly cross-team, improving efficiency, revenue growth, alignment and more. Monitoring and Tactical Expansion: Gather an understanding of how you’re serving, identifying the areas where you’d like to expand and the path to get there.
