AE & SDR Goals That Actually Stick

building goals that stick - with data.

Don't get stuck in the cycle of unattainable, unmeasurable, and unmanageable sales rep goals.

Sales managers (and leaders) are challenged with not only making sure that their team is on track to hit quota, but also, understanding the behaviors, trends, and unforeseeable roadblocks that will get in the way.

You need to know what to goal on, how to set goals, and how to measure their success. You need quality goal setting that actually sticks for your reps. 

 We were joined by Atrium CRO & Co-Founder - Pete Kazanjy - for a special Masterclass on Setting AE & SDR Goals That Actually Stick!

What You’ll learn

  • How to select the right activities to goal on

  • How to actually set smart goals (and communicate them)

  • How to actually monitor and manage these goals

  • How to adjust goals when things continue to get weird (Um, like a pandemic that just won't quit?)

Key Takeaways

  • How to select the right activities to goal on: Metrics and Data collection! Focus on what your relevant reps are supposed to be spending their time doing versus what they are actually doing. Start with a basic set of core metrics and then extend overtime. And make sure to think about collecting this data as a way to measure. Collecting data that you don't report on or don't consume wastes internal resources.

  • How to actually set smart goals (and communicate them): Goal setting is an iterative process that should be reasonable, attainable, & data-informed. Use historical performance data to inform a reasonable goal. Also, use models that inform expected levels of activity (bottoms up approach) and/or use benchmarks for similar sales motions to guide what's in common. Blend these methods and iterate as time goes on, never forgetting to publish your guideline!

  • How to actually monitor and manage these goals: Build the relevant reporting and dash-boarding so that you can visually inspect and manage your goals. Also, ensure the above reporting is sufficiently distributed to consumers, and that there are ongoing operating rhythms in place to facilitate actual consumption.

  • How to adjust goals when things continue to get weird (Um, like a pandemic that just won't quit?): Troubleshoot by identifying issues and then work to diagnose the root cause. Figure out new KPI baselines that describe the performance of AEs & SDRs, figure out what the “new normal” is for inputs and outputs. Based on the research, set new appropriate goals for outputs and publish and enforce those new baselines across your team.

  • For more information on key metrics and goal setting, check out the slides below, and watch the masterclass on how to have data driven 1:1s
