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Aligning Enablement & Operations for Scaling Orgs

Aligning Enablement & Operations for Scaling Orgs

 In 2020 we learned to pivot almost everything about our business and sales strategies to adapt to a fully remote environment and a changing economy. In 2021, we're facing new challenges with an unpredictability in remote work and the general state of the world. Between all of this unpredictability we've got to worry about territory and quota planning (TQP)! How do we channel our inner chameleons and learn to adapt quickly and gracefully with our new environments? 

A huge thank you to Brainshark for sponsoring and Sheryl Buscheck, Danielle Marquis, and Beverlie Heyman for participating as panelists!


  • How much enablement work does operations take on, in the early days? Where do you draw the line?

  • When's the right time to bring on full-time enablement? And, what about full-time ops?

  • How do you set enablement up for success? Is it different for ops?

  • How to divide and conquer once enablement and ops are in place!Key takeaways

Key TAkeaways

  • Tips for operations and enablement in the early days of an org: Once scaling, an operationally minded person needs to look at your current process vs. what it should look like in the future, and assess those gaps. Your team needs to ask: Where does it make sense to pull in enablement? What do we need enablement to do for our team? How can we ask them to give us consistency, so we can scale rapidly? Do we have clear roles & clear goals?

  • Tactics for aligning enablement and ops: Understanding roles and responsibilities across the two teams is key! Be constantly aligned with leadership and in constant communication. Healthy friction between ops and enablement helps identify gaps in a process and make better improvements/optimizations. 

  • Skills of a successful enablement person:  Being able to understand and add clarity to where gaps or pain points are for internal teams, to make clear programs and processes.   

  • How to justify enablement and when to bring it in: Bring enablement in once your team has a more complex selling motion, has different roles, and you need to scale quickly using the best practices that exist. Build the justification into the job description - know what you want the enablement person to do and have a clear path of their priorities and responsibilities. 

  • Sheryl’s Key Takeaway: We're all working together in the same boat, rowing in the same direction - how do we evolve human performance to help people be successful?

  • Danielle’s Key Takeaway: Clear roles and clear goals: have a really clear focus and understanding of what enablement is driving what programs, is there an outcome & reason for why you're doing things?

  • Beverlie’s Key Takeaway: Tech stack has a huge correlation with sales enablement - just the training of your tech stack more cohesively causes a huge ripple of success across your organization.