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Ridiculously Creative Ideas for Prospecting

Ridiculously Creative Ideas for Prospecting

In today’s digital environment, personalized videos have emerged as one of the most effective ways to stand out and earn attention when prospecting for new business. Switch things up. Get creative. Learn tips, tricks, and best practices to boost your pipeline and re-engage your stalled prospecting efforts.

 Take a break from all that talk about automation and advertising, and dive into the world of 1-to-1 video to see how to put the person back into personalization

A huge thank you to Vidyard for sponsoring and Tyler Lessard for participating as a panelist!


  • How to empower your outbound sellers to stand out with customized video content

  • The BEST and most creative examples of customized videos that others have used to flip their account engagement strategies from uninspired to irresistible

  • Prospecting strategies and templates for a post-pandemic world

Key takeaways

  • Encourage your orgs to overcome video fear: Think of video as cold calling - you have to get over the hump and start practicing! Start with doing videos internally so you can gather feedback, learn the motion and get comfortable for awesome external videos

  • Tips for awesome, engaging videos: Your subject line is the first line of defense, make it personal and eye-catching i.e “A Video for You”. Moving on to your copy...the goal is not to book the meeting, it’s to hit play on your video - structure your copy to create curiosity and to hit that play button. And lastly, make your thumbnail image enticing, is it clear it was made for your prospect? 

  • Tailoring your video by industry: Remember you’re a real person selling to real people, video prospecting is about a human to human outreach, no matter what market you're in. Ask yourself what tone would work best for the person you’re targeting: marketing or sales personas in high tech are more tech forward, they're used to seeing things like images and links in their emails. C- level executive’s biggest challenge is time - make sure your video saves them time and provides value of your product as the solution to their problems. 

  • Metrics for a successful video: Look at the video’s impact on achieving your overall goals of pipeline, shorter deal cycles, and higher closed rates. Are your overall response rates increasing since incorporating video into outreach? Are your reps generating more opportunities, or more pipeline, since they've incorporated video into their process? 

  • Tyler’s Key takeaway: Don’t be afraid to be experimental with style and flow -  most importantly, make it a collaborative, team effort to incorporate video