Building a Culture of Motivation

Building a Culture of Motivation

In 18 months of a work from home setting there's many challenges we've conquered, questions we've answered, and Zoom calls we've taken. From changing comp plans to team virtual happy hours, sales leaders have tried almost everything in this past year and a half to get their teams motivated, but how do we maintain that motivation for the future, in a constantly changing world? 

Setting expectations, communicating changes, and building motivation continues to be a challenge, and you want your teams and your team leaders, set up for success. A strong culture, supportive work environment, and inspired teams are what you need to make these next few months the best yet. We sat with the ultimate motivator from Spiff, Tanner Lacey, to show you how to build a team that's ready for anything. 

Discussion topics

  • Switching the context of success for changing teams

  • Determining quota achievement target (aggregate) for the entire sales team

  • Shifting motivation in a virtual world: intrinsic based vs supplemental 

Key TAkeaways

  • Keeping it simple: Understand what culture is and how you define it before you fit motivation into it. Your culture is the baseline of what you believe in, but you have to instill your culture and vision into your management team so that it's there even through scale and growth. 

  • Setting expectations: If you don’t set expectations, your team will feel like they’re in a race without knowing where the finish line is. The best tips for communicating expectations? Revisit expectations in every single one-on- one and drive home your core vision and what do you expect from your team. 

  • The big question - accountability: Extreme ownership is most beneficial for your top performers, it drives them to be top performers, shows them what they are working towards and what success looks like. Motivation is built off of a good balance of expectations and accountability towards those expectations.

  • The importance of reward and recognition: Rewards are only worth the meaning behind it, is there strategy and repeatability behind the award? Does the reward help the team today and tomorrow? 

  • How to deal with the great resignation: Compensation will play a role in retention - pay your teams fairly and build a good culture of accountability, expectations, and rewards. If people feel like they're heard and have a voice you will retain them.

    A huge thank you to Spiff for sponsoring this session.