Data-Based Prospecting for Sure-Fire Selling

Data-Based Prospecting for Sure-Fire Selling

Prospecting is an art and a science. Sure, you need to grab your prospects' attention through creative emails, videos, and swag. But you also need to make sure you’re prospecting the right people, the right way. If you haven’t gotten the science down of prospecting, chances are you’re wasting your seller’s precious time and energy. Get the data you need to prospect, intelligently.

What You’ll learn

  • Developing successful, data-backed sales sequences

  • Automation to revolutionize your sales process

  • Reviewing the data you have and gauging scoring processes

Key Takeaways

  • The steps for killer automation: First things first, you need good data. Second, orchestrate your data - where does it go next? Last, track your engagement - make sure what you’re sending is actually working. 

  • If you want to prospect well, you need to understand what your business does. Think of how your sequences contribute to your business’ bottom line. 

  • What you might be missing…the customer journey! How does your customer journey impact your prospecting? How can you turn prospects into advocates? Good, personalized, data-based prospecting fuels your flywheel for happy customers and energized prospects.