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Foundational Sales Agility: The Necessary Ingredient to Prime Your Sales Force for the Future

Foundational Sales Agility: The Necessary Ingredient to Prime Your Sales Force for the Future

Michelle Vazzana, Co-Founder and CSO at VantagePoint, believe’s consultative selling is not dead.

Never has been, never will be. 

Buyer behavior and the psychology behind it matter now more than ever. 

VantagePoint and Gartner Research agree that understanding the buyer's journey, particularly the emotional aspects of navigating that journey, is exceptionally important.

The most effective sellers in today's marketplace are situationally aware, adjusting their approach to tune into the buyers they face. 

Quantitative analysis proves how the most effective sellers accomplish the agile approach.

Watch Michelle Vazzana as we unpack the research that peels back the layers of sales agility, revealing once and for all the roles of buyer behavior and consultative selling in long-term sales agility.

Discussion topics

  • VantagePoint's extensive research into high-performing sellers and sales managers and how these themes differ from everyone else!

  • Explore different levels of agility within the sales force, what they mean and why they work.

  • Examine the role of consultative selling in today's rapidly changing buying environment. 


  • The buying journey is the most important factor in assessing a buying situation

  •  Buyers have different needs/wants/and motivators at different stages of their journey

  • Consultative Selling is foundational to all strategies

  • Executing sales calls at different stages along the buying journey requires adjustments in the seller’s approach

  • Gaining incremental commitment across the buying journey is the most significant predictor of success
