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Live Digital Panel - September 2, 2020

Keeping your prospects and customers engaged

It's time to get creative with prospect and customer engagement initiatives.

Life is changing every week, day, and minute, and as a seller, you need to keep up with the times or you risk losing the attention of your new deal and retention pipelines.

The Modern Sales Pros team and Uber for Business partnered together to bring this Digital Panel to life. Our incredible panelists for this event were Tracy Eiler, Josh Butler, and Tim Satterwhite.

In this panel, we learned how Uber, Terminus, and InsideView have doubled-clicked into the middle of their funnel and brought numerous deals all the way home, even in these uncertain times.

Essentially: it's all about giving your prospects and customers a little bit of empathy.

Our speakers discussed -

  • To give the audience some perspective, how has the pandemic made this better or worse for your organization?

  • What about your prospecting and customer engagement strategies has changed since the start of COVID-19?

  • What are a few prospect and customer engagement strategies that work in your selling motion the first time, every time?

  • What can viewers take away from the Digital Panel and deploy right now to keep their prospects and customers engaged?

And our key takeaways from the panel were -

  • Lead with empathy. Be a strong leader. Your team looks up to you and you need to lead by example.

  • Sales leaders speak from both sides of their mouths. Your team is expected to close their deals, BUT they need to be compassionate and lead with empathy during these times. It's not easy, but this contradiction needs to be acknowledged.

  • Sales and marketing (GTM) alignment is more important than ever. With leads that are stagnant, stopped, or only occasionally engaging your team needs to be on the same page without how you're engaging with these 'not quite ready to buy but they deserve your attention' prospects.

  • Sales teams are social animals. Social gatherings and outings are their happy place. Do what you can to engage your team and they will engage your prospects and customers. Employee engagement is the first step.

  • Give back to your local community. This is an awesome way to engage employees, prospects, and customers. For example 'Here's an Uber Eats Voucher. Please use it at your favorite local restaurant and let's hop on a quick call to discuss XYZ'.