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Live Masterclass - June 23, 2020

LEAVE NO LEad behind: the science of converting leads to meetings

A lead is more than something in your CRM - it’s a person. Landing a meeting is an exquisite and time consuming dance during which two people spend a ton of time trying to figure out how, when, and why to meet.

Don’t rely on the stars to align - join Kronologic's CEO Trey Allison, and their CRO Aaron Bollinger for this Masterclass, and discover how to spend less time converting more of your leads to meetings.

Key Themes -

  • The problem and where it starts in a lead handoff

  • Methods that actually work in creating a better lead to meeting ratio

  • The role technology plays

Key Takeaways -

  • Monitor your lead to meeting ratio and take steps to improve it. It’s easier to get better with the leads you have than add 1000s more leads to the top of the funnel.

  • Treat calendaring time with someone like you would any other negotiation: add value, and start closer to where you want to end. In this case, that’s on their calendar - so begin with a calendar invite.

  • “Fixing to get ready” is the equivalent of “Can I calendar time with you?”. Don’t do it, and don’t say it!

Dive Deeper -