Not 2 Fast or Furious: Ramping for Success

Ramp new reps faster - with data.

Ramping new sales reps often seem like a shot in the dark. It might seem like you're guessing at what creates a successfully ramped rep, instead of using data to make sure you're creating a program that will see reps Tokyo drifting like a pro in no time.

Take the guessing out of ramping, and put it back into dubious car chases where it belongs.

Watch Pete Kazanjy for a look at data-driven sales ramping programs that actually work. We talked about the fundamentals of onboarding, choosing what KPIs to monitor, setting goals, and how to make sure your team is getting up to speed as FAST as possible!

What You’ll learn

  • Fundamentals: what does a great onboarding experience look like?

  • How do you set the correct ramping goals?

  • What KPIs do you monitor to ensure success?

  • How do you make sure you're coaching to succeed?

Key Takeaways

  • Don’t get caught in the ramp productivity offset. In the time you’re ramping, it’s difficult to make solid judgements on the behaviors of your reps if you’re only looking at lagging indicators. That's a huge offset from their day of hire to when they’re at peak productivity.

  • The right, data-driven approach to ramping: Look at leading indicators during the pipe build period - not just opportunity, not just ownership, and not just pipeline but indicators like customer facing meetings, stage advances and new opportunities in flow.

  • If you’re waiting until your rep is “fully productive”, you’re missing booking and they're losing opportunities and leads. Leading indicators means early intervention and a more powerful ramp!

  • For more information on key metrics and goal setting, check out the slides below, and watch the masterclass on how to have data driven 1:1s
