Strut Your Stuff: Compensation Strategies that Unlock Revenue Potential

THE KEY TO YOUR revenue potential

If you’ve worked in sales or compensation, you know the struggle of having two left feet when it comes to clunky, disordered data and out of date compensation processes.

It’s time you put on some dancing shoes that align with your company's objectives and profitability. You have the talent and the moves, and your RevOps strategies should reflect it.

Incentivize reps, improve budget planning, and create a win-win atmosphere while your team hits quotas and burns up the dance (sales) floor.

We're sitting down with Stan James, VP of Sales at Spiff, Danielle Marquis, VP of RevOps at Zappi, and Adam Cooperman, Area Sales Director at AppDynamics to talk through making your commission programs thrive and your teams exceed their goals.

What You’ll learn

  • More than money: making a difference in team motivation

  • Streamlining your RevOps processes for end-to-end visibility

  • Driving revenue with effective GTM planning

Key Takeaways

  • It’s The Why Behind The What: Building processes based on goals to add value and cut through the noise

    • Streamlining isn’t just putting together a one and done process; be willing to reassess and apply new information gained

    • If you can’t explain what value it brings, why put it in in the first place?

    • Keep it simple, stupid! The more straightforward the better

  • Never Lose Alone: Actions that reflect the company objective to create a strong shared purpose

    • Seeing your team as individuals and applying behavior-focused motivation strategies that inevitably vary when done well

    • “An employee who is moved by a meaningful gift is inspired to offer one of their own”

  • Pre-Process Planning: Alignment, accountability, + transparency

    • Data’s not emotional! Know what you’re planning and why before committing to implementation

    • It’s never too early to think about next year’s goals - document real time data to improve

    • Your “Big Plan” should be the product of lessons learned, not something pulled from a sales terms grab bag
