Territory Planning Workshop & AMA with Martin Fleming

Territory Planning Workshop & AMA with Martin Fleming

Nervous about territory and quota planning (TQP) this year, just like every year? You can gather the best tips and key metrics and still be at your wit's end. In this exclusive, workshop on territory planning with all-star expert Martin Fleming we broke down ways to get your TQP ready for everything. We’re keeping the recording top-secret, but if you’d like to catch our key takeaways scroll below, and be on the lookout for our future workshops! Thank you to the team at Varicent for sponsoring this event!

Discussion topics

  • Dissecting an example of TQP

  • Metrics for evaluating your current TQP

  • Q&A from attendees 

Key TAkeaways

  • On average, only 28% of sales leaders are very satisfied with TQP outcomes.

  • Most sales leaders adjust their quotas quarterly and there’s a negative correlation between the satisfaction of the sales leaders with the frequency of quota adjustment. The key is how you communicate the changes - use logical rationale.

  • As we look forward, the ability to use machine learning and AI to be predictive and make recommendations for quotas and territory adjustment is only going to get stronger. This will help you be able to become more responsive to business changes, will reduce the angst around quota adjustment, and produces a better view of what TQP should look like.