Put Me In Coach:

From Underdog to Over-Performer (March)

coach your team to success with data

If you want to win World Cup, a few good players don't get you to the championship; you need to help your whole team overcome their weaknesses.

Same with your sales team: if you want a solid win rate, you need to identify where your reps are falling short. The easiest way to do that? Data. It's easier, and more powerful, than you think to set up a framework to help make your team the best they can be. 

We joined Atrium Co-Founder Pete Kazanjy walk through enterprise selling process - from the fundamentals, through your benchmarks, all the way to the final success.

Discussion topics

  • What are the first principles of coaching with data? Why use it?

  • Frameworks for successful operating rhythms 

  • How do you identify issues? Outperformance?

  • Actually fixing issues: how do you have a productive conversation? How do you make the action plan?

Key TAkeaways

  • The importance of manager enablement: its not just an afterthought, managers should be coaching about underperformance and improvement areas, and tracking progress towards goals for their reps.

  • Take OODA into consideration in your 1:1s: Observe, Orient, Decide, Act.

  • How do you systemize your Observations, Orientations, Decisions, and Actions (OODA)? Calendar time, have your assets in hand, get good at reading data, stick to your plans and audit them
