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Your Company’s Lack of Diversity is Hurting Your Brand

Your Company’s Lack of Diversity is Hurting Your Brand

The value of diversity is undeniable. It’s time to ask how your company is actually faring - and why you should care. 

We sat down with David Chun, Lyse Cornelius-Biggs, and Nalanie Nath to discuss about how job seekers, customers, and investors alike evaluate companies. They provided insight on what you can do in order to ensure you are not only creating a capable and inclusive team but also the best environment for success.

We took a deep dive into the following topics: 

Discussion topics

  • How your company’s DE&I efforts impact your brand and reputation

  • What job seekers, customers, and investors are looking for when it comes to DE&I efforts

  • Actionable ways you can ensure your organization is doing its part on the DE&I front

Key TAkeaways

  • Your job seekers are doing their research, they are making decisions on whether you are the right company before they even say yes to having a conversation with you. It’s important for you to know what footprint you are leaving.

  • Jobseekers and employees want to see results. Are there others like them in the organization? Is there an opportunity for growth based on how they identify? Are people who are like them being promoted and leading the organization?

  • The Rooney Rule is a great example of implementing oversight to ensure companies don’t revert to where they were before. You can’t just create a rule and hang your hat on it, you must be continually work on and monitor your efforts.

Pro tips from our speakers

  • Lyse’s Takeaway: Diversity isn’t going to solve it all - you have to think about inclusion. Helping your diverse talent feel included in your organization.

  • Nalanie’s Takeaway: Now is the time, we have a lot of mindshare. If you have an idea go and pitch it and see what change can be made together.

  • David’s Takeaway: Measure what matters, establish OKRs around this for you and your company. Find a team that has done well and use their action plan as a starting point.