All Pros -  No Egos. Speak up and have your voice heard, but also be cognizant of how much space you're occupying - take a step back when needed. Let people of different backgrounds tell their stories and share their experiences. Learn from each other and be open and honest about the challenges you’re facing and use this time to take-in new perspectives.

Participate.  Business happens. If you have to take a call, excuse yourself quietly. If you’re attending for free food or to play ping-pong and not to participate, you’ll be asked to leave. And you won’t be invited back.

Don’t Self Promote. If you’re caught you’ll be suspended from MSP and banned from attending in-person events.

Bring A Friend. Do you have awesome friends and colleagues in revenue leadership? Bring them along to an event so they too, can join in on the dialogue and meet other awesome people.

Maintain a Professional Demeanor. Especially with alcoholic beverages available at most of our events, just a reminder to always respect all individuals and keep your interactions professional and graceful.