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Level Up Your Reps in Data-Driven 1:1s

Level Up Your Reps in Data-Driven 1:1s

If your 1:1s aren't driving substantial rep progress and unlocking new skills and behaviors, you're doing them wrong.

But how do you get your 1:1s help your sellers to level up?

What does a productive and successful 1:1 mean in practice, and how in the world do you prep for it?

Pete Kazanjy gave us a look at holding 1:1's that really drive progress.

Pete will teach you how to set an agenda, make them data-driven, prep, and hold your team accountable + track progress.

Key Takeaways

  • Why have 1:1s? It builds relationships and trust, provides ongoing feedback, increases accountability, and more! 

  • A successful 1:1 means: you’re aware of the reps pipeline, and challenges or roadblocks AND you have an agenda that is focused on targeted coaching, guidance, and action items based on what you’re aware of

  • Think “OODA” in your one on ones = Observe, Orient, Decide, Act. You need to learn to systematize these four things. That includes: grabbing your important assets, getting good at reading data, looking for issues and bright spots in your trends, and make an action plan and loop back to it.
